Home / Money / In fact, Chinese banks have joined the sanctions against Russia

In fact, Chinese banks have joined the sanctions against Russia

Китайские банки фактически присоединились к санкциям против РФ

Chinese banks forced Russian companies and individuals to close accounts and transfer funds to other places, and have denied them loans. About it to the magazine “Kommersant-Vlast” said Executive Director of the Business Council Russia-ASEAN Viktor Tarusin.

According to him, because of the relationship with our American partners, in fact, Chinese banks have joined the sanctions against Russia. The exception was only the ExIm Bank and China Development Bank – analogues of the VEB and VTB.

PRC investments in the Russian economy in 2015 amounted to 794 million dollars, and this is 0.7% of the total investment of the country abroad (116 billion dollars). More than twice fell deliveries of liquefied natural gas and the overall reduction of trade turnover with China by the end of last year might reach 30%.

The interviewed experts identified two problems of joint business in Russia and China: understanding the Chinese mentality and the desire of the Chinese partners to dominate the business.

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