Home / Science and technology / In Dubai will build the world’s largest set of solar panels

In Dubai will build the world’s largest set of solar panels

В Дубае построят самый большой в мире комплекс солнечных батарейIn Dubai start to build the world’s largest plant for the production of solar energy.

The Dubai government announced the construction of the largest plant in the world concentrated solar energy.

According to the statement, the plant will initially produce more than 1000 MW of energy. The principle of its operation will not be similar to other power plants on solar energy.

With the help of special mirrors will track the position of the Sun and its rays will be collected in a Central collector, where the heat energy is transferred to the water converting it into steam, which in turn will set in motion a steam turbine.

The Dubai Ministry of electricity reports that plans for the construction of the blocks, the first of which is already under consideration by the international consultants.

Now the cost per kilowatt-hour in Dubai is about 15 cents, after the introduction of the plant into operation the price is to be reduced to 8 cents. The exact cost of the project has not been disclosed, but it is reported that the construction of the power plant at 5,000 MW will cost around 13 billion us dollars. The implementation of this plan will reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere by 6.5 million tons per year.

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