Home / Science and technology / In China, work is underway to create the world’s smallest nuclear power plant

In China, work is underway to create the world’s smallest nuclear power plant

В Китае ведутся работы по созданию самой маленькой в мире атомной электростанции

Specialists of the Institute of safety technology for nuclear energy (Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology), Chinese Academy of Sciences, funded in part by the command of the Chinese people’s liberation army, engaged in the development of the smallest to date, the nuclear power plant.

The fast neutron reactor of this plant will be able to fit in a standard sea container, he can produce 10 MW of electricity, enough to supply about 50 thousand average Chinese homes. And, according to the plans of the Chinese government, such reactors should enter into operation not later than five years.

“A tiny powerhouse, which is called “portable nuclear battery”, will have dimensions of 6.1 by 2.6 meters,” says Steven Chen (Stephen Chen), “the Reactor of the station, the cooled molten lead, may be located on one of the Islands in the South China sea. And they generated energy will be used to ensure operation of desalination plant”. The reactor design of the future plant will allow it to operate continuously for several years or decades before it will need refilling with new fuel.

“Despite the fact that part of the funding of our work is ensured by the armed forces, we hope our technology will serve to benefit the civilians,” says Professor Huan Chunying (Huang Qunying), nuclear scientist involved in the creation of the reactor.

However, this project has opponents who are concerned about the possibility of leakage of radioactive materials in seawater that can have catastrophic consequences for the environmental situation in the region. Another cause of concern on the part of the “green” is that any increase in the temperature of sea water, which is a consequence of power plant operation can affect marine flora and fauna. However, according to Professor Kanyinga, they had taken all the available methods and uses all available technologies that will ensure the maximum safety of the future reactor.

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