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In America, for the sake of science will cross people with animals

В Америке ради науки будут скрещивать людей с животными

The U.S. government does not oppose experiments on crossbreeding humans and animals and are even willing to Finance.

Experiments on the interbreeding of human and animal embryos can help science in developing a cure for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, therapy of infertility and the cultivation of organs for transplantation. That is why the US authorities have given their nod to conducting such experiments, which will begin in the near future.

However, a number of religious organizations strongly opposed experiments with the human race, fearing the birth of fantasy creatures chimeras, which are familiar to many of Greek mythology. Such a scenario is not assumed, even in theory, so the American Ministry of health gave strong agreement, but even said he was willing to Fund unique experiments.

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