Home / Money / Impoverished Russians began to splurge on food

Impoverished Russians began to splurge on food

For the first time in eight years Russians began to spend on food more than half of the revenue and reject the goods not the first necessity. Thus, according to the experts, to save not only the poor but also the middle class.

Data of monthly monitoring of socio-economic status and health, Institute of social analysis and forecasting Ranhigs under the President of Russia.
The share of the middle class, who began to save on products and services, in March 2016 amounted to 79.3%, the poor Russians — 89%.

Беднеющие россияне стали разоряться на еде Apparently, everything is so delicious after the import was, that to indulge in buying delicious turnip and sausage from reindeer moss people unable!

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