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Iconic: the American scientists have named them the open worm is a parasite… Obama

Знаковое: американские ученые назвали открытого ими червя-паразита... Обамой

American scientists have immortalized the name of President Barack Obama to open their worm. Baracktrema obamai is a new kind of flat worm is a parasite that lives in turtle blood.

A new species of the flat worm parasite Baracktrema obamai, named in honor of President Barack Obama. As stressed by Professor of biology College of St Mary in Indiana and a distant relative of Obama Thomas Platt, the chosen name — it’s an honor for the President, and not an insult.

According to Platt, sometimes people are willing to pay thousands of dollars to honor them named any individual.

The scientist also added that is named after Obama, the parasite resembles the American President, as he “a long, thin, and pretty damn cool.”

Scientists have discovered a cluster of hundreds or thousands of parasite eggs in the pulmonary alveoli turtles. It is unclear how the infection of animals and what diseases can cause turtles is a new kind of parasites.

Baracktrema obamai, was discovered in two species of freshwater turtles: freshwater turtles black and ubinskoe swivel turtle.

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