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How to teach yourself properly for Breakfast

Как приучить себя правильно завтракатьThe Breakfast is very important for our body and should make up almost one third of the daily diet.

The experts gave useful tips for those who can’t train yourself regularly and correctly to eat.

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People skip Breakfast for entirely different reasons. It’s the morning lack of appetite, always in a hurry and charges for the work, the desire to sleep an extra five minutes. However, the Breakfast is very important, it should be almost a third of the daily diet of man, so to miss it is extremely harmful to health.

Constant skips the morning meal can lead to various chronic diseases and even obesity. The systematic lack of Breakfast knocks the power mode, which leads to a sharp increase in appetite during the day. To quench your hungry man eats literally everything, most often it is what “at hand”: sweets and sandwiches in obscene quantities. Such a diet does not lead to anything good.

For those who can’t train yourself regularly and properly to have Breakfast, there are a few simple and effective techniques.

To start to Wake up

In the morning our body is not always ready to Wake up by an alarm clock, so it is necessary to awaken. For this it is advisable to drink on an empty stomach a glass of water — plain or with lemon, take a shower, and a strong spirit can even do exercises. After this training, will start to Wake up the appetite.

Save time

In the morning every minute counts, so it makes sense to prepare Breakfast in the evening. Today, many women use for morning cooking cereals a slow cooker, it is easy and convenient. In the evening you have to prepare the ingredients and set the timer and in the morning the Breakfast was ready. If this miracle of technology available to you, choose the “quick” meals that do not require long cooking.

Get used to Breakfast right

In the morning, not enough to eat, it is necessary to do it right. Breakfast should charge the body with energy and vitamins for a long time. Sweets and fast food with fast carbohydrates and unhealthy fats for this purpose are not suitable. Here you need a slow carbohydrates from cereals, fiber-rich fruits, eggs from their unique protein and amino acids, the calcium contained in cheese and grain bread. They will saturate, and will provide everything you need.

Little by little

There are many people, who in the morning is, do not want, therefore Breakfast and you have to literally “push”, and to force myself to make that uninteresting thing a person can not. In this case you need to divide the meal into several stages: first to eat a few spoonfuls of porridge or cottage cheese, and the second part in the form of toast, crackers, fruit to be postponed for a later time when the body finally wakes up. Another way to increase your morning appetite — to make the dinner less dense or to move it to an earlier time. The most important is to stay the first time and regularly have Breakfast for 2-3 weeks. Then the body will find a diet and it will become easier.

Breakfast for myself

To not want to skip Breakfast, it should be a joy. If you ever hate semolina with oatmeal or hard boiled eggs, no need to torture yourself, you can choose something tastier. Importantly, the product was not only tasty, but also useful.

Down with the monotony

Due to the lack of time people eat Breakfast are often the same. It is worth spending a little time and come up with the morning menu. The choice of cereals is not confined to Hercules, in the store now there are lots. There are quick-cooking cereals, is less useful, but comfortable, and a variety of grains that require long cooking, but more tasty and healthy.

From the “fast” porridge is best to choose those which are composed of bran and which may require short-lived, but still cooking in them after treatment preserved more nutrients. Curd can be eaten raw with honey, nuts, raisins, and you can pick up a few simple recipes cheese pastries. If alternate meals, then Breakfast will not be bored, and skip did not like at all.

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