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How to strengthen heart and vessels in the summer – tips for physicians

Как укрепить сердце и сосуды летом, - советы медиков5 simple rules.

The current advice of leading cardiologists.

1. Do not overeat

For normal functioning of the heart need good nutrition: proteins (they are the building blocks for muscle) and slow carbohydrates (the energy), and vitamins with minerals. And the most harmful for the heart – overeating. If the food a stone falls on the stomach, the increased load on the myocardium, even physiologically. The cardiologists have even a term – “eating the heart”. This is when the attack occurs on the background of overeating. In hot weather, the blood thickens and the heart is more difficult to disperse it through the vessels. Therefore, in order to keep blood vessels toned, it makes sense to stick with the old wisdom and to get up from the table a little hungry.

2. Lean on celery and parsley

Fresh stalks of celery contain phytochemicals – phthalide that relax muscle tissue in artery walls, which avoids vascular spasm and to improve blood flow. Studies show that eating 100 – 150 grams of celery a day allows the body to receive the optimal dose ftoridov. A fresh juice of parsley (teaspoon in a glass of water or 30 to 40 grams of greens per day) lowers blood pressure, says the cardiologist, doctor of higher category Tamara Ogieva.

3. Drink tomato juice

In tomatoes a lot of active antioxidant lycopene, and fiber and potassium.

Numerous studies show that they help the cardiovascular system.

Tomato juice gently lowers arterial and intracranial pressure, it is useful to drink for hypertension and heart failure.

4. Fill the motor immun-cocktail

To make the heart work properly, it is necessary to control blood pressure. Those who are inclined to increased, well in the morning to drink a glass of the brewed berries of viburnum with 15 – 20 drops of tincture of Echinacea or again came into fashion a decoction of chicory with honey and lemon. For those who have low blood pressure, to raise the tone and increase resistance to infections will help green tea with ginseng or a decoction of blackberries, ginger and sugar.

5. Purchase supplies of potassium and magnesium

Our heart normal reduces 60 – 70 times per minute. Every hour of every day! Imagine how much force he needed to without interruption to drive the blood throughout the body. And upset cardiac conduction can be very many things, even pleasant, for example, the joy of meeting with loved ones or vacation travel. In order to smooth the effects on the myocardium of different contributing factors, we need potassium and magnesium. These trace elements support the heart’s contractility. You can get them from baked potatoes, raisins, beans and hips.

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