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How to stay awake and multi-tasking – 7 effective methods

Как оставаться бодрым и многозадачным - 7 эффективных методовExperts told how to behave at work, not to overwork.

The experts of the portal about psychology found that steals energy during the working day to make up for its shortage and not to bring themselves to fatigue, writes the Chronicle.Info, citing Komsomolskaya Pravda.

1. Do what you love

Studies at a canadian University in Alberta showed that in order to feel happier and less tired at work, it is necessary to clearly present the necessity of what we do. Every operation has a result that someone is important, remember about it. Besides, work is a source of livelihood.

2. Open the Windows

First, airing the room, we are cooling it (if the room temperature exceeds 26 to 28°C, fatigue is inevitable). Secondly, opening the Windows, we reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide, which experts also link with work exhaustion.

3. Sit up straight

If you sit hunched over all day, you expose your muscles to stress, which provokes exhaustion.

4. Conduct an audit of unfinished business

Unfinished business Rob us of energy: thoughts about pursuing them not only at work but at home, not allowing to relax.

5. “Adjust” itself under the monitor

Position the monitor at a distance of 33-59 cm from the face to the center of the screen was approximately at the same level with your eyes. Choose a font not less than 12 pin.

6. Drink water

Water removes from the body toxins, toxins, food poisoning and other harmful substances, gives us energy and helps the body to function properly. And promotes proper digestion, improves the immune system and even, as studies have shown, reduces the risk of heart attack. The water is especially indicated for those who work a lot on the phone – first and foremost, employees of call centers. The fact is that, after prolonged conversations with the moisture of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity evaporates. The more dehydration, the more it congeals the blood, and the less it can carry oxygen.

7. Eat right

If your energy decreases for dinner, and you notice cravings for sweets, you probably do not eat, say nutritionists. The advice is simple: reduce the amount of carbohydrates and replace them with complex – whole wheat bread, bran. And, of course, the basis of the diet, especially in summer, should be fruits and vegetables!

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