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How to sleep in osteochondrosis – meet the doctors

Как правильно спать при остеохондрозе - отвечают медикиIf you have low back pain, then you should be as attentive to how to sleep so that the spine could relax for the night.

If you suffer from low back pain, let your spine relax as much as possible. In any case, do not sleep on the soft featherbeds! Select semi-hard mattress, which is better to maintain the natural curves of your spine. Doctors to prevent back pain are advised to sleep either on his side, bent legs or on the back, knees tucked under the pillow. For those who like to sleep on my stomach, it is better to put a small pillow under the belly, writes the Chronicle.Info with reference on HealthInfo.

It is important to choose the right size of the cushion: it must not be too large and lush. However, it is difficult to get used to sleep on hard pillow-cushion, as advised by a Japanese scientist, Katsudzo Niche. It is better to choose a small soft feather pillow which can be conveniently placed under the head and under the neck while sleeping on the back and the side.

And you can buy a special orthopedic mattresses and pillows, which will not only allow your spine to assume a comfortable position and keep the natural curves, but will also provide the massaging effect.

If you like to read in bed and not want to change his habits, make yourself half-sitting, not to strongly bend the neck and not loading the cervical vertebrae. If you have to stay long in bed, try to frequently change body position.

How to lie

Sleep better on a soft bed, but not on the boards. The bed should be semi-rigid to the body when a person is lying on his back, retained physiological curves. To do this:

— the entire width of the bed or sofa, place the shield, and the top foam thickness of 5-8 cm Cover him with a blanket and cover sheet;

— return of pain in leg under knee joint to enclose the roller from the blanket — it reduces the stretching of the sciatic nerve and relieves the pain in the leg;

— when back pain, many patients prefer to sleep on my stomach. So much of the back does not bend, causing even more pain at the lower abdomen puts a small pillow;

— fans of sleeping on your side to sleep on, putting one foot to the other, and the hand under the head.

To get out of bed in the morning patients with acute manifestations of osteochondrosis can be very difficult. Proceed as follows:

— first do some simple exercises with hands and feet;

— then, if you sleep on your back, turn on your stomach;

— lower one leg on the floor;

— leaning on this leg and hands, move your body weight on the knee and gradually get up without making any sudden movements.

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