Home / Medicine / How to quickly get rid of the symptoms of seasonal allergies – seasoned advice

How to quickly get rid of the symptoms of seasonal allergies – seasoned advice

Как быстро избавиться от симптомов сезонной аллергии - советы бывалыхFrom the comfort of home, anyone with an Allergy can relieve their condition by using these simple methods.

During the active flowering plants come sad times for people with allergies. It causes sneezing, headaches, runny nose, swollen, watery eyes, fatigue. Of course, it would be best to start with identifying the causes of allergies and the treatment to the experts. If medical assistance is unavailable and sometimes it happens, use our tips, they will help ease the main symptoms and avoid complications, writes the Chronicle.Info with reference to the Telegraph.

10 things that should be done every Allergy:

1. Close doors and Windows. In the period of most active flowering plants to cover the Windows and doors to prevent penetration of allergens into the house. To go out better in the evening, and after the walk, take a shower, which will help to get rid of the allergens on the skin.

2. Replace the filters in the air conditioner. If you have air conditioning in the house or car, you should regularly clean and change filters. Find out from the manufacturer about the availability of special filters for people with allergies. They are able to remove 95 percent of allergens.

3. Wet cleaning. At least once a day be sure to conduct a wet cleaning of the room to get rid of allergens that enter through Windows or brought into the house on clothing and shoes.

4. Wear a mask. And don’t worry that someone will look at you strangely, health is more important. You can purchase a special medical mask with filters that will not allow the allergens to enter the body through the respiratory tract.

5. Often wash. After returning from the street, wash your face, better take a shower, wash hair and change clothes.

6. Lavage of the nose and eyes. Regularly rinse the nose and eyes. The nose can be washed at home boiled water with a pinch of salt. For watery eyes use rewetting drops every time after returning home.

7. Use inhalations. Breathing steam will help to clear mucus from the nose. Fill the container with hot water cover your head with towel and breathe the moist, warm air for several minutes. You can do this several times a day.

8. Avoid cigarettes and smoke. Cigarette smoke may worsen allergies, causing itching, nasal congestion, watery eyes. Avoid smoky places. In addition, it is better not to inhale any other irritating vapours – aerosols and smoke from fireplaces, etc.

9. Drink plenty of fluids. If you feel that you have a stuffy nose, drink plenty of water, juice or other liquids. It is not recommended to consume coffee and alcohol, as this can lead to dehydration.

10. Eat vegetables and fruits. Laboratory studies conducted by Greek scientists showed that children who ate fresh vegetables fruits and nuts, were less susceptible to Allergy symptoms. Especially useful were grapes, apples, oranges and tomatoes, of course if you don’t have them.

And most importantly! In any case you should go to the doctor and not to self-medicate. Be healthy!

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