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How to get rid of the syndrome “restless legs” at night

Как избавиться от синдрома "беспокойных ног" по ночамMany are familiar with pain in the legs when you cannot sleep from what they lomyat and twist.

Even young people know the situation, when, samotalis the day, can’t sleep and relax because of the twisting and aching of the legs, which come constantly in motion – they want something to shift, to get rid of the annoying pain. This condition is called syndrome of “restless legs” and relate to neurological diseases.

What is the cause of this disease? Several of them. First, it is rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes or anemia. Most often this disease affects women. Sometimes he complained that the pain symptoms alternating with feeling as if legs crawling down her spine, a burning, itching, shaking in the calves, shins, feet and even, sometimes, thighs. This man is resting in his bed.

Experts have not named the exact cause of this syndrome, but tend to blame the biochemical processes taking place in the brain. In case of failure, the lack of dopamine — a special substance that is responsible for the motor activity of man, can develop this strange behavior of the legs. Other experts say that the blame for the lack of iron in the body and uremia (increased urea concentration in the blood), which is typical for patients with renal insufficiency and those on hemodialysis.

Often the disease makes itself felt in 15-30 minutes after lying down to bed. If the disease is not addressed it will progress and these unpleasant feelings will begin to overcome you during the day. It is noticed that people with this syndrome of “restless legs” often suffer from severe depression.

While on reception at the doctor only to recount his nocturnal feelings – to produce absolutely nothing – this disease shows no visible changes. Therefore, doctors sometimes find it difficult to make a diagnosis – specific laboratory tests or studies that could confirm the presence of the syndrome “restless legs”, just no.

But there are tips that can provide effective help in this disease and you won’t have to run around at night.” Try to do a set of exercises, which includes sit-UPS, stretching, flexion-extension of the legs, lifting on her toes, regular walking. It is better to exercise before bed, but not to overdo it – excessive exercise can exacerbate the condition.

Good help and a foot massage, a contrast shower for the calf and shins. You can try to sleep you in an unusual position. Will have to adjust the diet, not to eat at night, give up alcohol, cigarettes, and beverages and foods containing caffeine.

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