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How to get rid of feelings of loneliness in the relationship

Как избавиться от чувства одиночества в отношенияхConsultant on family relations Kira Astran gave three pieces of advice, following which you will get rid of constant feelings of loneliness in the relationship.

Start by determine how close you are with your partner.
Many believe that if we feel alone in this world so looking for love. We believe that love is the deepest sense of the possible; the glue that holds us together. And the greatest joy that one can experience in life.

That might be true (in the right circumstances), but love is also fickle. We can easily fall in love with someone unavailable. Maybe the person we love doesn’t love us. We can fall in love with someone who is not able to Express emotions or affection. Fall in love with the “wrong” person – it means to experience the worst possible pain of heart. Whether love is the antidote to loneliness, if she so easily can go wrong?

During her work as a relationship Advisor I have helped clients to nurture intimacy, not necessarily love. Proximity is a reliable method that helps people get to know each other and care about each other. It solves a problem which cannot be solved through love: reliability. Sometimes love makes us less lonely, sometimes, more lonely. Intimacy always reduces the feeling that you are alone in the whole world.

Many relationships fall under the category of “love”, but can’t boast the same proximity. To understand whether there is enough intimacy in your relationship with your partner, try to answer five questions:

1. It seems to me that the partner understands me and especially my life’s purpose?

2. Often my partner behaves in a strange way I am?

3. If I hide important information from your partner?

4. Do I believe that my partner and I is the priority?

5. Sincerely if my partner is happy with my progress?

Those are not questions that can easily answer “Yes” or “no”, but note the “probably” and “seems to be not quite”, cause you discomfort. They show – although you may be passionately in love with your partner that your relationship is lacking intimacy.

To get closer to your partner, use these three simple tips:

1. Odobriti support

Together with its partner will spend time discussing your problems which do not concern relationships. This will allow him or her to support you and to learn more about what challenges you face at the moment. Support person much easier, if you know, what were his problems. In addition, if to discuss the problems, not concerning the relationship, the person will not be a reason to “withdraw” in front of you.

2. Plan “exchange dates”

“Exchange visits” is a type of Dating, in which you plan the evening based on the interests of your partner and Vice versa. If you arrange such evenings regularly, you will be much easier to remember what is interesting to your partner. Almost everyone thinks it’s very sweet and romantic (even if you miss a couple of details), and contributes to intimacy. Besides, such Dating is so much fun!

3. Use “no love” language

“I love you” – the pinnacle of romantic speech, but to foster intimacy, try to use other phrases to describe what they feel in relation to your partner. For the first time “I love you” sounds wonderful, but with time, this phrase loses its force and value. Think of other phrases: “I admire you”, “I’m proud of you” and so on. Combining these phrases, you will always remember that feel about your partner more than just love.

Use this simple test to assess the proximity and hints to get rid of feelings of loneliness in your relationship.

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