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How to “clean” the liver at home

 Как «почистить» печень в домашних условияхThis herbal tea can greatly improve health.

Thought you ever had about the move from city to village? Probably Yes, but you stopped only the absence of the usual urban amenities in a rural location and complexity of the content of a private home. Why there are such thoughts?

Modern city life presses on us with his busy schedule, environmental pollution, improper and unhealthy diets, constant lack of sleep and stress. All this adversely affects the health of urban residents, especially those living in the industrial district.

Experienced doctors know that the main body that is able to somehow protect us from these negative influences of modern, urban world, is the liver. It is associated with regulation of metabolism in the body and its most important function is detoxification, i.e., a cleansing of the body’s cells from harmful substances that enter them. But very often we forget that the liver supports our immunity and health, and do by chance destroyed her poor diet and lifestyle.

Remember, what you eat, the harmful and chemical food contain preservatives, flavorings, dyes, high amounts of fat, pesticides and stuff that destroys the liver. Even if you follow the diet, you still often have to overeat, overloading of all the organs of the digestive system with heavy food, eaten especially at weekends and holidays. In addition to food damage to the liver inflicted by drugs, especially chemistry, which is contained in them and the city air, full exhaust and decomposition products of industrial waste. If you add the consumption of chlorinated water, alcohol, Smoking, lack of fresh air and lack of sleep, no wonder that our livers are often in need of intensive support.

Grass better chemistry

Every reasonable person understands the benefits of treatment folk remedies to chemical drugs. Especially when it comes to the liver. Often herbs and herbal remedies can not only to stop the destruction of the liver, but also to promote regeneration of its tissues. But most importantly – do not need to wait for signs of the disease, to begin taking herbal. One of the best fees to maintain the liver is the monastic syrup – it has herbs that possess the most useful preventive action. Therefore, a liver cleanse periodically, regardless the presence or absence of problems related to this body. Herbs for cleansing the liver, entering the monastic syrup, it’s the same drugs with one important amendment – of course, no side effects.

So, consider what herbs are included in this collection to our readers it clearer why we chose it. It consists of ten herbs and they all perform a specific function:

– A series of cleanses the liver of toxins;
– Knotweed prevents the formation of stones;
Fennel is characterized by a strong hepatoprotective action when the risk of toxic lesions;
– Agrimony normalizes the secretory function of the gland;
– Calendula is very good for hepatitis;
– Stigma has a pronounced choleretic and diuretic effects;
Mint will reduce the tonus of the bile ducts;
– Chamomile reduces inflammation;
The immortelle has a strong antispasmodic effect;
– Nard restores liver cells.

Of course, we cannot forget that to use the monastic syrup need according to the instructions and remember that the end result is different people will be different. Though, because many are not willing to change your routine and diet and give up bad habits.

Healthy eating – the key to success

Monastic syrup will have a lasting effect only in the case when you go on a proper diet. Daily diet should contain essential polyunsaturated fats. They are in the egg yolk, milk, nuts and seeds, shells, grasses, present vegetable oil. Remember that the daily needs of people, not leading an active lifestyle with regular exercise, should not be more than 2000 kcal/day. During the day they should be consumed with food not more than 30 grams of fat. Is healthy, unprocessed vegetables and legumes fruit in an amount of about 500 g per day. Also, try to walk a lot, especially useful walking in parks and gardens. Keep an active lifestyle, engage in the gym, run on the stadiums, go to the beach, sunbathing. All of the above will help you to restore normal circulation in the liver, and the monastery of syrup will remove the effects of negative impacts. Clean the liver once a year, forget about bad mood and remember that your health is the result of self-love. The more you look after yourself, the better health, mood and quality of life.

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