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How to cheer yourself up on Monday – some simple ways

Как поднять себе настроение в понедельник - нехитрые способыCase of the Mondays, but there are ways that will lift your spirits.

The reason Monday is the most difficult day of the week, because after the weekend, when a person is fully relaxed and distracted from everyday work, it is difficult to shift to complex tasks and he begins to be sad. Bad mood Monday and almost go “under-arm”, but do not despair, writes the Chronicle.Info with reference to the Correspondent.

Experts advise to perform one or more actions from this list:

1. To wear the most beautiful costume or dress. Fashionable, clean and beautiful clothes perfectly raises self-esteem, and as a result, and the mood, so prepare from Sunday night with your favorite outfit and on Monday morning you will enjoy yourself.

2. Allow yourself for Breakfast eat a piece of dark chocolate or a couple of teaspoons of jam. Chocolate and any other sweets contribute to the production of the hormone “happiness” is a well-known fact. Plus, our brain to start to function actively and also need sweets, so do not deny yourself the pleasure.

3. Instead of news from rubric “accidents” view funny videos on YouTube. Read the jokes or share a funny story with the household. Sincere laughter prolongs life and definitely uplifting.

4. Drink some coffee. If you are a coffee lover, then to set the mood you just need to drink a Cup of coffee. Feel the aroma of this wonderful beverage, enjoy its taste and dream of something nice that can make you happy in the future.

5. Go to work on foot. Packed bus or subway car will certainly not cheer you up, especially if you’re a little late and overslept. Therefore it is better to choose a Hiking route, during which you can listen to your favorite music through headphones. But this option is suitable only for those who live close to work. If to work you to get few hours, and even with transfers, then download yourself on the phone a few hits or an audiobook — this will help you escape from the hustle and bustle in the city transport.

6. Buy flowers. If you are a woman, even bought myself a small bouquet can bring a piece of happiness. If you are a representative of the stronger sex, then give this bouquet to someone at work, perhaps you thus show sympathy for the employee or just bring the aroma of summer to your office that can not but rejoice.

7. Call friendsif they are far away from you. A conversation with a native person usually brings a lot of positives, especially when the family is a friendly environment. Call a friend/girlfriend or loved one will also cheer you up.

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