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How to calm down for fifteen minutes

Как успокоиться за полторы минутыWith the help of this technique, you can relieve stress in just 1.5 minutes.

You overreacted, and now the feeling of stress does not leave you? Try sequential breathing relaxation. This technique will help to calm the autonomic nervous system. Exercise is particularly helpful to do before bed.

How to perform the technique?

1. Sit straight on a chair.

2. Place the tip of your tongue at the sky.

3. Keep it there throughout the breathing process.

4. Inhaling silently through his nose, slowly count to 4.

5. Hold your breath to 7.

6. Exhale through the mouth on the figure 8 with a small sound.

7. Repeat the 4-7-8 cycle three more times, in total, will get a four breathing exercises.

The Indian sage, Swatmarama wrote in the treatise Hatha Yoga Prakipika that “when the breath is calmed the mind will be in harmony, you get a long life. Thus, you should learn to control the breath”. This ancient wisdom is still valid in our days

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