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How to avoid the air conditioning in the summer

Как не простудиться от кондиционера летомAir conditioning in the summer can be not only Savior from the heat, but also the cause of frequent and serious diseases.

But if at home you can control the process of using the air conditioning, I will make it a little harder. Experts suggest the TOP 6 useful tips.

1. Stick temperature regime

The optimum temperature in the room should be 20-25 degrees. In an ideal situation, it should be below the maximum of 5 degrees to that outside. Even if you want to cool rapidly, should not fall below this corridor, at least the first hours of the air conditioner. All that beyond the threshold, will harm your health.

2. Control humidity

Air conditioners much dry air, humidity is reduced well below the optimum rate of 60-70%, and in the end the dryness causes discomfort in the mucous membranes (eyes, nose, and throat).

3. Ventilate the room

Air conditioning air conditioning and in an unventilated room you can get sick from other things — say, from a virus or infection. Or you can become allergic to fine dust in a closed room. Ventilate the room at least every 2 hours.

4. Don’t sit under the air flow

The air flow must not be directed directly at people. Under constant direct flow of air is very easy to catch a cold, especially in hot weather, when the temperature changes outside and inside it is very high.

In addition, do not need to put in the path of air furniture, partitions, close air curtains — it violates his work, often makes it impossible to uniformly cool the room, which means that the fan will rotate in emergency mode, which will increase the risk of breakage.

5. Do not suffer cold in the office

Do not torture yourself or wrap up in warm clothes in the summer to work for the sake of all it was cold. If you feel uncomfortable and you’re cold from the air conditioner in the office, tell your colleagues and turn off the air conditioner or at least increase the temperature comfortable for the health of 22-25 degrees.

6. Do not forget to brush the conditioner

If not cleaned regularly once in three months of air conditioning, it will start with air flow and even spread bacteria. Even if you are responsible for cleaning this equipment, you can always check and remind when necessary, cleaning of the desired colleague.

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