Home / Medicine / Honey will help get rid of wrinkles

Honey will help get rid of wrinkles

Мёд поможет избавиться от морщинScientists from New Zealand, after a series of experiments with this bee’s treat, called him a real Makropulos case.

So, even older rats, which they introduced in the diet of honey, they began to show a great reaction and stress.
Their vitals during the honey diet has significantly improved and returned to normal.

Scientists explain this amazing antioxidant properties of honey. They actively resist the aging and wear of the organism, strengthen immunity and return the youth. It is a real elixir of longevity, which people unfairly overlooked.

Doctors believe that by changing your diet sugar, honey, mankind will be able to postpone the inevitable signs of aging, such as weakness, feebleness, tiredness, wrinkles etc.

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