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The best drinks and potions of longevity from around the world

Лучшие напитки и эликсиры долголетия со всего мираTOP 5 drinks to rejuvenate the body

Every woman wants to eat and not get fat, and naturally to look younger every day.

While the first task to handle you, the second situation is much more complicated.

Younger age without the intervention of plastic surgeons impossible. However, there’s always something to do to preserve youthfulness of the body for a long time. Then “younger” is not necessary. And the best way to rejuvenate the body – proper drinks and mixtures. They are called elixir of youth. Here are 5 of the most useful options.

1. Eastern elixir of youth
Using this tool every day you not only accelerate metabolism, but also you will look younger in the eyes. Improved complexion, the skin becomes more elastic, if you suffer from constipation, you will forget about this problem. Also the elixir of youth helps fight memory loss and dementia.
– 100 ml lemon juice
– 200 gr. honey
50 ml olive oil
Mix all the ingredients until smooth, pour the mixture into a glass jar and leave in the fridge. Take the mixture every morning on an empty stomach one teaspoon.

2. Chinese tincture anti-aging
In recipe Chinese tinctures of youth includes the useful component of garlic. To prepare the mixture, you will need to clear 350 g of garlic, wash it and beat with a blender until smooth. Add to garlic 200 grams of alcohol and leave to infuse for 10 days. Strain the mixture and start the treatment. 50 ml cold milk add a few drops of garlic liquid and drink the mixture 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. Take a rejuvenating mixture is according to this scheme: on the morning of the first day take 1 drop, lunch – 2 drops, dinner – 3 drops. On the second day in the morning – 4 drops, noon – 5 drops in the evening – 6 drops, etc. To the end of the fifth day before dinner taking 15 drops in the morning of the sixth day – 15 drops, and then each time the number of drops is decreased by one. In the evening of the tenth day drink 1 drop. The course of rejuvenation continue with 25 drops 3 times a day for as long as the tincture will not end. Properly conducted rejuvenation has beneficial effects on all functions and systems of the body. Are excreted from the body all the toxins and wastes, the vessels are cleared of fat and decay products and their walls become more elastic. The repeat rate can be no more than 1 time in 5 years.

3. Anti-aging recipe: garlic and lemon juice
Another elixir of youth with garlic. Grind in a blender with the peeled cloves of two large heads of garlic, put the mixture in a glass jar. Squeeze the juice from six medium lemons. Pour the ground garlic lemon juice, shake well, using a metal spoon. Now tie a neck banks gauze or clean cloth and leave for a week in a warm dark place, stirring the mixture daily. The elixir of youth should be taken within two weeks one teaspoon after meals. Dilute the mixture in a glass of boiled water, pre shake jar). A tincture of youth can be used every six months.

4. Caucasian drink of longevity
For making this rejuvenating mixture you need to pour 25 g of root of fennel (chopped) to one liter of boiling water, boil it for 2 minutes and leave to stand for 10 minutes. For positive effect you need to drink 3 cups of drink a day. Another option is mix, pour 1 tsp of crushed fennel fruit Cup boiling water, steep the mixture for 2 hours in a sealed container. Strain the drink and drink 1 S. L. three to four times a day 20 minutes before meals.

5. Slavic elixir of red ash and rose hips
This elixir of youth is particularly valuable for its anti-aging properties and beneficial effect on the immune system and the digestive system. Prepare a mixture of dried red fruits of mountain ash and dried rose hips (1:1 ratio). Chop the fruit in a blender and brew the tea mix to 1 tsp per Cup of boiling water. This elixir can be drunk instead of tea or coffee. Drink is useful not only for adults but also for children, as it stimulates memory and helps to better absorb information. He also has diuretic properties, so it is especially useful for hypertensive patients and those who want to lose weight.

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