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Hackers “hack” smartphones YouTube

Хакеры "взламывают" смартфоны при помощи YouTubeViewing videos on YouTube could end up “hacking” your smartphone.

When viewing a familiar video in the Internet you can lose your personal data. This was proved by the team of researchers from the University of Berkeley in cooperation with scientists from Georgetown University.

They showed in practice how you can hack any smartphone using voice commands, built-in video on YouTube.

Hidden voice commands that you can use to hack the device, imperceptible to the human ear, but are perceived by mobile devices. Become a victim of such an attack is quite simple, it needs only to watch a video on YouTube. It does not matter on what device will be reproduced malicious movie, smartphone, PC, tablet, or TV, the teams are perceived voice assistants on mobile, Google Now or Siri.

Hacker attacks such a plan can allow scammers to download and install malware and make changes to the settings and configuration of the device, which may lead to disruption of the normal functioning of the device.

The researchers argue that to prevent such hacking can if to impose restrictions on the implementation of voice commands.

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