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Green tea prevents lung cancer

Зеленый чай предотвращает  рак легкихScientists have once again proved that green tea is not only delicious, but also healthy drink.

Some compounds contained in green tea stop the development of lung cancer.

As is known, a compound called EGCG have anticancer properties, but scientists are still trying to figure out exactly how EGCG inhibits the growth of tumors.

Researchers from the University of Maryland, USA, believe that EGCG increases the concentration of a molecule called mi-R210 inside lung cancer cells. Cancer cells with higher levels of these molecules share slower. In addition, cells with high concentrations of mi-R210 lose their ability to grow on top of each other that is the hallmark of cancerous tumors.

As a rule, suffer less cancer in countries such as Japan, where people drink green tea in large quantities. In 2010, Taiwanese scientists studied the experience of tea drinking 500 people and found that the risk of developing lung cancer is 5 times higher in those who did not drink green tea. Among smokers the risk was higher 12 times.

It is worth noting that a number of studies indicate that drinking green or black tea may increase the risk of developing lung cancer.

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