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Green tea improves memory

Зеленый чай улучшает памятьGreen tea recognized as health product because of its capacity to prevent heart disease and development of type 2 diabetes.

A study by researchers at the University hospital of Basel in Switzerland suggests that the drink enhances cognitive functions of the human brain, in particular, working memory.

Experts believe that green tea is a promising means of preventing cognitive impairments associated with neuropsychiatric disorders, such as dementia.

Green tea is a product of the processing of the leaves of the shrub Camellia Sinensis. Unlike other teas, green tea is made from the oxidized leaves. Minimal processing of raw materials saves a large amount of antioxidants. Previous studies have repeatedly shown that green tea has a beneficial effect on cognitive functions of the brain. However, the mechanisms underlying this effect were unclear.

During a scientific experiment, 12 young men, whose average age was 24 years, were divided into two groups. The first group consumed whey containing green tea extract, the second soft drink. The volunteers did not know which drink they were drinking. The results of the experiment showed that participants who consumed a beverage with green tea extract, observed increased activity of the upper parietal lobe frontal part of the cerebral cortex. This activity correlated with improved performance and functions of working memory.

The researchers said that green tea activates the connection between the frontal and parietal lobes of the brain, thereby positively influencing the quality of working memory.

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