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Google Pixel subjected to the test of endurance

Смартфон Google Pixel подвергли тесту на выносливостьVideo blogger bends and scratches, the casing, testing his strength.

The network released a video of the crash test of the new Google Pixel. In the video, the author bends and scratches the body of the device to test his endurance.

Video of the crash test were published on the YouTube channel jerryrigeverything once.

The video, published yesterday, has already managed to collect more than 200 thousand views of the Internet users.

The blogger scratches glass Gorilla glass 5 Google smartphone, to set as it is durable and can withstand scratches. And also tested other parts of the body: rear panel, camera and scanner fingerprint. However, he uses special equipment with various level of impact to the surface.

And at the end he tries to bend the device, but it turns out to be quite persistent.

In General, the blogger notes that the smartphone Google Pixel, along with its competitors, is quite hardy and durable.

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