Home / Science and technology / Google celebrated Halloween ludlam in the form of mini-games

Google celebrated Halloween ludlam in the form of mini-games

Google отпраздновал Хеллоуин дудлом в виде мини-игрыIn the role of a Ghost hunter – user-cat.

Today, October 31, the search engine Google offers users to play a Doodle game that involves using the mouse to confront the ghosts and other characters, relevant to Halloween.

First, the user receives instructions on how to destroy the Ghost, and then the role of the cat hunts them.

The game has several levels of difficulty. In this Google Doodle is a kind of cheat code: drawing on the screen of the heart, the user will receive “life”.

Halloween – a holiday tradition Dating back to the ancient Celts of Ireland and Scotland, whose history began in the territory of modern Britain and Northern Ireland. Celebrated on October 31 – the eve of all saints Day. Halloween is traditionally celebrated in English-speaking countries, though the official day is not.

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