Home / Business / Gluk’oza told about the relationship with her mother in law that condemns her “naked” photo

Gluk’oza told about the relationship with her mother in law that condemns her “naked” photo


Singer Gluk’oza recently addicted to provoke the audience with their bold outfits and spicy photo shoots. Her image on Muz-TV has already called the most provocative. The singer’s husband, Alexander Chistyakov have put up with the mischief of his wife. In addition, Natalia Ionova told me that her mother-in-law does not approve of such behavior. However, dissatisfaction with the mother’s spouse is not stopped Chistyakov-Ionova, and she continues to shock the audience with candid snapshots.


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The other day in his microblog Chistyakova-Ionova told about the relationship with the mother of her husband: “it Seems to be so different with @chistyakova_tamara. She is honorary Professor, doctor of Sciences, head of Department and a long time it is possible to list them all! Well, you know me. But I never felt this difference, because we always find common themes, attitudes, and we look in one direction) of happiness to our family)” (Spelling and punctuation authors hereinafter. — Approx. ed.).


The singer is grateful to her mother for what she did not have to “share” with her husband, unlike many families: “Squeezed our@chistrus. But never shared. Respect to those women who understand that they give birth to a son. These are the sons become real men, capable to create family and to take responsibility for themselves!!!”

Post Gluk’oza was accompanied by the hashtag #valuemaster. Subscribers stars have already agreed that very few people can boast such relations with the mother-in-law.

Певица с мужем Александром Чистяковым

Наталья Ионова со свекровью отдыхает в Испании/instagram.com/chistyakova_ionova/

Наталья Ионова/Instagram

Наталья Ионова/Instagram

Певица опубликовала фото в купальнике и заявила, что не собирается скрывать свое тело из-за того, что она мама/Instagram

Наталья Ионова/Instagram

Наталья Ионова/Instagram

Наталья Ионова/Instagram

Наталья Ионова/Instagram

Наталья Ионова/Instagram

Наталья Ионова/Instagram

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