Home / Science and technology / German intelligence decided to challenge the “British scientists”

German intelligence decided to challenge the “British scientists”

The dubious glory of “British scientists” in many of the world haunted.

In particular, in Germany, she broke the sleep of the expert of the Berlin Foundation science and policy Sebastian of Chic so much that he decided to “push the boat out”, predicting the situation that may occur in Kazakhstan after the death of President Nursultan Nazarbayev.

For these purposes, the Chic, organized of his colleagues “gang”, which modeled the situation in Kazakhstan after the SUDDEN death of Nazarbayev, which in the estimation of the Germans, should occur IN FEBRUARY 2021 (wow, what a precision!).

So, how the situation will develop in Kazakhstan?

According to the Germans, because of the split in the Kazakh elite will not be able to agree on a single candidacy successor. Therefore, under international pressure, Kazakhstan will be forced to hold presidential elections in July 2021.

And then there is the already true detective: the election wins the fictional “charismatic candidate MUKHTAR KUNANBAY”, which won the support of the Kazakh population not only because of nationalist, anti-Russian, but and democratic slogans.

It gets better.

In the case enters the Russian propaganda machine, which is conducting a strong campaign against inconvenient for the Kremlin “Kunanbay”. In the environment of Russian-speaking citizens of Northern Kazakhstan sown the fear that causes them to seek the assistance of Russia, which very willingly declares himself the protector of all Russians and Russian speakers in Kazakhstan.

The German scientists make a special emphasis on the fact that the Russian government two months before the death of Nazarbayev (also probably knew the exact date of his death!) DISCREETLY issued in the Northern regions of Kazakhstan TENS of thousands of RUSSIAN PASSEPARTOUT, so as to give legitimacy to his invasion of Kazakh territory.

Further, the situation is developing according to all the rules of writing scripts Hollywood blockbuster.

The NEXT DAY (after the elections) FORTY districts of Northern Kazakhstan, mainly populated by ethnic Russians, are “self-defense groups”, for which Russia with air throws special forces.

Немецкие аналитики решили превзойти "британских учёных"

In parallel with this, the Kazakh border to organize massive military exercises of the Russian army.

As “Kunanbay” has not yet assumed office, the transitional government in Astana with his inaction against Russia’s actions, increases the number of his supporters. Taking advantage of this, “Kunanbay” displays on the street and its people and achieves the resignation of the interim government…

But, according to German analysts, the matter is one that Kazakhstan will not be limited, as the events it will lead to mass protests in Tajikistan, not only against the Russian military presence in the country, but also against the puppet regime in Dushanbe…

The withdrawal of the Germans disappointing for the Kremlin: “as a result, Russia is faced in two States on their “backyard” with the anti-Russian ideologies and movements. If the opposition movement in Central Asia is critical to Russia’s position, consider the far-reaching consequences of their activities for the balance of power in the region”

And what is particularly surprising – in all the scenarios never mentioned the name of Putin! What could it be? You wouldn’t happen to know?

As you can see, the German scientists were superior to their British counterparts on all indicators, forcing the last bite of envy their elbows to such an absurdity, they would never have thought of…

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