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Fresh juices cleanse the body

Свежевыжатые соки очистят организмFrom time to time our body needs a thorough cleaning.

Unfortunately, few understand it, and therefore throw in it all as “the furnace”, without hesitation, that some of the products of our digestive tract to process just can’t. They are deposited on the walls of the intestine, pollute it, produce toxins, cause a feeling of heaviness, discomfort, bloating.

Body cleansing is associated with many enemas and other not too pleasant procedures. But we are ready to offer you a great option — more gentle, but no less effective. It consists in cleansing the body very tasty and healthy freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices. What juices to drink? How to prepare it?..

Use natural juices

Do not forget that, going to take juices as medicine, you need to use only natural products. Those juices that are on store shelves in bundles, is completely “dead” products, from live fruit in them there is nothing. They are sterilized, pasteurized or restored and, therefore, lose all useful substances.

And natural freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices will bring such benefits:

– cleansing of toxins;
– normalization of digestion;
– strengthening immunity;
– weight loss;
– strengthening of vascular walls;
– increasing the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
– restore sleep and calm;
– normalization of all metabolic processes in the body.

Why juice effective in cleansing the body?

Scientists have proven that our body accumulates about 2 kilograms of harmful substances — toxins, toxins, and other deposits. They are predominantly in the intestine, but because the cleansing you need to start here. Natural fresh juices are natural solvents. In addition, they give the body many vitamins, fiber and other nutrients. However, you need to know what juices to drink, how to cook and how to take each of them there are significant differences.

How often to clean?

Dietitians recommend to do a kind of “fasting” day once a week just for the fresh juices. Lean on juices from late spring to autumn — when there is an abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits and they are rich in vitamins the maximum. In winter and early spring, when fresh produce shortage, you can take a break.

For handling the “juice” of the day you can drink only juices and pure still water. The juices can be consumed different ways: for example, in the morning of carrot, cucumber lunch, then an Apple for dinner and a tomato.

What juices are most effective for cleaning?

To prepare fresh juice, you should buy a juicer. Vegetables and fresh fruits take, them carefully wash and clean. Prepare only one serving of juice, you can drink at a time. When the juices stand for a long period of time, they lose all their useful properties. Some juices are better to drink diluted, and indeed, if you are not used to such a “dose” of vitamins, it is better to start with a drink “the juice + water in the ratio 1 : 1. So, what juices are most effective for cleaning?..


This is a real leader in terms of cleansing properties for our intestines. Its effect reaches its maximum in the colon is exactly where it accumulates the greatest amount of slag. In addition bowel Apple juice helps the liver and kidneys to break down and remove toxins. Peel the apples from the skin and make juice in the juicer. Take it in its pure form, it is possible in the morning. Try to savor the drink, holding it in his mouth.


This juice nourishes our body with nutrients — beta-carotene, minerals, fiber, which help to implement detoxification. Carrot juice good for the gallbladder, removal of excess bile acids, cleanses the intestines and enhances immunity. Carrot juice can be to drink a lot — up to 3 glasses a day. It also mixes well with Apple.


For the preparation of low-calorie juices, which are also very effective in the process of weight loss, you can use oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, lemons, and limes. The juice of the last two fruit perfectly cleanses the lymph, but it is recommended to dilute with water, to avoid the increase of acidity in the stomach. Juices of orange, Mandarin and grapefruit can mix. All these fruits contain a lot of fiber that cleanses the intestines (therefore, if the juice is thick it may not drain well enough).


But with this juice you need to be careful. He is very, very useful, but only if the competent cook and a competent technique. If all of the above fruit juices should be drunk immediately after their preparation, then beet juice should, on the contrary, to stand before use for at least 2 hours in the refrigerator. Better to take half a Cup of beetroot juice and dilute it with boiled water. If you don’t like the taste, it can be mixed with other vegetable (but not fruit) juices.


Here’s another storehouse of antioxidants that help our body fight toxins. Pomegranate juice is excellent “updates” blood, resolves cholesterol plaques, and improves the cleansing function of the liver. Pomegranate according to studies also contains more vitamins than many other fruits. Drink pomegranate juice only freshly squeezed, it is not necessary to stand in a refrigerator. Pomegranate is quite tart fruit, but because the juice can also be consumed with water.

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