Home / Science and technology / France can run the taxi that flies over the water

France can run the taxi that flies over the water

Во Франции могут запустить такси, которое летает над водойIn Paris on the river Seine in the spring will be tested taxi, which will fly over the surface of the water.

“Flying taxi was created by the Amateur yacht sport Alain Tbolt and called them “Sea bubbles”.

The inventor always dreamed of a boat that will fly. On this project he worked 26 years. To create a “Sea of bubbles” was inspired by his daughter who asked his father to create a vehicle that does not harm the environment,” writes The Local.

As noted, flying taxi can reach the speed of 18 km/h power Source “Sea of bubbles” — two electric motor running on solar energy. Cab will draw on the surface of the water with four unique “wings” that overclocking will raise it above the water. In the car to fit four people and the driver.

Initially, it is assumed that “Sea bubbles” will function as a taxi, but there are buyers who wish to buy a model. It costs 30 thousand euros.

Во Франции могут запустить такси, которое летает над водой

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