Home / Science and technology / Found a way to bring back the old design “Vkontakte”

Found a way to bring back the old design “Vkontakte”

Найден способ вернуть старый дизайн "ВКонтакте"In order to bring back the old design of Facebook, you need to install the extension Stylish.

In the night from 16 to 17 August the social network “Vkontakte” after four months of testing translated all to the new design.

The changes will not please everyone — some have already started trying to do everything “early”.

The official way to go back to the old interface there, but we’ll show you a loophole.

1. Install the browser extension Stylish (there are versions for Chrome and Mozilla)

2. Open the page the Old design of VK on the userstyles website.

3. Press the button Install with Stylish.

4. Restart the browser. Ready! Everything looks old.

Developer shell warns that the prior version, and contains bugs and some shortcomings. The creators promise to continue the work and fix problems in the near future.

To revisit the new design, it is sufficient to remove Stylish from the list of extensions.

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