Home / Policy / Foreign Policy: a “massacre” of journalists in Ukraine has reached apogee

Foreign Policy: a “massacre” of journalists in Ukraine has reached apogee

Foreign Policy: "Кровавая бойня" журналистов на Украине достигла апогея


Very convenient position is occupied by representatives of the Western media pretending to be slepochnye in relation to all the ongoing events in Ukraine.

The Western press in any special way not reacted to the murder in Ukraine the colleagues of Olesya Elderberry and Russian journalists Igor Kornelyuk, Anton Voloshin and Anatoly Clan Andrew Stenina. Left without attention and the death of a dozen journalists in Ukraine over the past two and a half years. Reasons for concern and indignation of the world community, these deaths are not caused. For dramatically, but opposed the Kiev puppet regime.

But silence always leads to disastrous consequences. For the bloody Moloch in one not so fine moment cease to distinguish between their own and others, and coming for all.

It happened in Ukraine. The list of murdered opposition journalists began to actively replenish zealous adherents of the “Maidan” regime and its masters from USA. And Western media must be noted that in Ukraine against journalists unleashed a real “massacre”.

In addition, the American media are forced to admit that the regime and, of course, the head Petro Poroshenko do not want the massacre to prevent it, and even more than that – it can be its participants. However, the notorious FBI, which allegedly involved in the murder investigation of a Pro-Western journalist Pavel Sheremet, distinguished by the absolute helplessness and futility. All this writes the authoritative American edition of Foreign Policy.

Shook the last event in this direction, noted in the article, was the murder in July of the journalist Pavel Sheremet.

And this is not the only evidence of a “massacre”. In the summer there were a number of other attacks, which have remained relatively unnoticed on the background of the murder of Pavel Sheremet. Stab wounds inflicted to the employee of the Ukrainian edition of Forbes Mary Ridwan, was also severely beaten by Sergey Golovnev.
This new round of violence and the government’s lack of response similar to the intimidation and censorship, which earlier media reports had not faced.

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