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Five simple ways to get rid of “sweet” according to

Пять простых способов избавиться от «сладкой» зависимостиIs it possible to completely abandon the sweet and is it necessary?

Girls often blame themselves when they can’t resist tasty, sweet, and certainly “vrednenkoe” cupcake for the figure. In fact our body is so constituted that he needs to get glucose and the reasons for this are several…

According to scientists, nutritionists the need for sweets can occur in two cases: psychological and biochemical”.

Sweet life

I’m sure you noticed, how after a stressful situation, you tenet on the sweet. There’s a simple explanation. Depressed levels of the happiness hormone serotonin decreases and pastries, cakes and chocolates to help create a feeling of happiness. As soon as the amount of sugar in the blood begins to fall, the body again requires to fill the reserves of glucose, but with even greater force. And so on…

To understand and accept

Whether you want to deal with addiction to sweets? Most importantly: be aware of what causes stress: stress, hunger or time of day? When the answer to this question is found, you will be able to figure out what to do next. You may have to completely revise your diet. To build it in such a way that your body got all the necessary substances by using normal and useful products.

Add tryptophan

Serotonin produced in the body by tryptophan is one of essential amino acids, which comes along with the food. For the normal life of a person must be at least 1 g of this trace element per day. Rich in tryptophan: potatoes, legumes — peas, beans, lentils, and grain — buckwheat, wheat flour and pasta. The tryptophan contained in dairy products such as milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese. If we talk about meat products, this useful amino acid can be found in beef and Turkey. The use of these products will reduce the “craving” for sweets. Having dealt with the reason why you want a pastry or cake, you will be able to balance their emotional state, as well as to control the foods consumed.

The Golden mean

Dietary if abused, even the most low-calorie sweets and pastries, excess weight avoid will not work. In the body glucose must come only when it is really needed by the body. So don’t make use of sweets in the habit. Of the desserts it is better to choose low-calorie sweets with low sugar content.

Time for dessert

Eaten before noon or between 16 to 18 hours of sweetness will benefit. So constituted the human body: in the afternoon the amount of sugar in the blood drops, but for normal life it is needed. But eating cakes at night not only disrupt sleep, but also lead to the appearance of extra pounds.

Healthy sweets

To sweets, which are not reflected in the figure include honey, dark chocolate, marmalade, marshmallows, Oriental sweets, ice cream (made from skim milk), jelly and pudding. On weekdays, the person spends a lot of calories, so the risk to get fat on sweet these days less. Systematic physical exercise will help to neutralize the potential harm from the sweet: after half an hour of exercise, the body needs carbohydrates, because the percentage of glucose in the blood is reduced. So eating a moderate amount of sweets in this period, you will not only gain extra pounds, but keep good form.

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