Home / Medicine / Five main useful properties of Rowan

Five main useful properties of Rowan

Пять главных полезных свойств рябиныThe Rowan tree can safely be called a storehouse of vitamins, which we lack generally in the autumn-winter period.

Very soon, fresh vegetables on the shelves will only carrots, cabbage and beets, and fruit — citrus and apples. The soul requires diversity and health need nutrients, so experts in the field of nutrition told the pre-emptive important facts about the mountain ash, which we can eat in the fall and winter in an unlimited amount it would wish.

Rowan is an incredibly useful berry and the main characteristics are:

1. Lowering of blood pressure and prevention of atherosclerosis. It turns out the substances included in the composition of the ash, productively cleanse the blood vessels, so pressure will be in norm and different diseases of the cardiovascular system are not likely to develop, as there is no reason.

2. The inflammation in the digestive organs. Rowan is full of enzymes that possess soothing properties, in fact, thanks to them you can get rid of various diseases of the stomach and intestines.

3. Protecting the liver from toxic substances. As we know the liver is the only organ dealing with food waste, which are often saturated with toxins and impurities. In this regard, the liver needs a reliable support and protection, to ensure that substances from the ash.

4. The excretion of excess fluid from the body. Berry beneficial effect on the organs of the urogenital system, and also has a slight diuretic property, so people with diseases of the kidneys or bladder you should lean on Rowan every day.

5. The increase in hemoglobin. Rowan and tinctures from her doctors recommend eating anemia.

It should be noted that, in the preservation of Rowan berries do not lose vitamins and jam has the same beneficial properties as fresh ash. This berry can be eaten both children and adults, it will bring many benefits to health.

In autumn and winter, as every season of Rowan, there is a need for strengthening the immune system, what again able to cope Rowan. The berries contain a sufficient amount of vitamin C and D, which boost immunity and provide a person protection from seasonal diseases. As fall and winter selection of fortified products is small, ash — the best way to maintain health.

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