Home / Business / Fans did not appreciate the image of Helen Bat in the style of Renata Litvinova

Fans did not appreciate the image of Helen Bat in the style of Renata Litvinova

Personastars, instagram.com/elenapegas

Recently, fans of Lena Flying excitedly discussing the news that the TV presenter will appear in the Christmas edition of the show “Revizorro”. Judging from the Instagram of the blonde, shooting the shows are in full swing — the star published a picture, taken in the dressing room. The photo Bat is captured in a retro way: with the red lipstick and blow-waves.


The transformation of Lena the diva 20 years evaluated, not all of its members, many have compared the TV presenter Renata Litvinova.



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“Not so beautiful”, “Here’s a copy of Renata Litvinova,” “And the General way Litvinova and Dietrich jaded… not Yours”, “I’m sorry Elena for criticism, but the hair style doesn’t suit you”, “Again, this “sad” hair. Elena, have You not read our comments or don’t agree with us?”, “Elena you are graceful, but the hair is not something, don’t do cold laying”, — commented on the image of Helen fans (Spelling and punctuation more. — Approx. ed.). And you liked the styling of the presenter?

Недавно Елена Летучая вышла замуж

После медового месяца телеведущая сразу приступила к работе

Поклонники надеются увидеть блондинку в новых выпусках "Ревизорро"

Елена Летучая

Елена также готовит к выходу несколько новых проектов

Елена Летучая

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