Home / Business / Fans accused Sati Casanova in bad taste and was advised to go into hiding

Fans accused Sati Casanova in bad taste and was advised to go into hiding


Lately, sati Casanova, often have to listen to fans complaints and criticism. First, the singer came under a barrage of resentment because of her reckless statements about children with special needs. Speaking during a press conference for his charity Foundation “Culture and life”, the star focused attention on the fact that will deal exclusively with creativity, not to help “the sick, the curves and oblique” children, referring to people with disabilities.


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Now the Instagram followers criticized the outfits of the singer: to many it seemed absurd gray and pink costumes Casanova. However, Sati asked fans to rate two of her image: “What kostyuchik You like more?” (Spelling and punctuation authors hereinafter. — Approx. ed.).


“Obviously no taste… sorry…long jacket isn’t your subject”, “bad Taste! She always knew what to wear! At least hire a stylist, eh!”, “They’re both being oblique, curves, clothes are hideous,” commented the images of the stars Network users.


There were those who stood up for Sati and advised her to go into hiding in order to avoid persecution: “Sati, you have some time to go underground and not get involved with silly questions about the rags. Don’t annoy people! Give them a little calm down after your hard-hitting statements. Hide!”

Сати Казанова

Сати Казанова

Сати Казанова

Сати Казанова

Сати Казанова

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