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“Nothing excuses”: Sati Casanova admitted that she was ashamed

After Sati Kazanova had to apologize for his careless statements about children with special needs, the singer decided to another revelation.

Sati Kazanova


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“Once in the airport “Domodedovo” I obscenely insulted a customs officer when performing official duties. It was awful. I flew with a lot of Luggage after the global shopping in Europe. Then I had to go to the concert time. And at customs they ask me, “What’s in the bag? What amount to buy?“ I call a number that requires mandatory Declaration… And what happened! Whether from nerves, or from fatigue, or the fact that I was late for work, I suffered the unfortunate customs officer with a string of obscenities! The concept of mindfulness, emotional restraint, composure was absent in me then at all. I seriously fined, taken to the police station. It was embarrassing and humiliating…” says Casanova.


All this time the singer was worried that I did not keep emotions, but luckily for Sati, she was able to make amends.

“After six months or a year I met him again at the airport — and cried! Apologized, of course. I have hot blood, I’m from the Caucasus, and even the woman — emotional, artistic… But I can’t excuse it,” — admitted Sati.


34-year-old singer said that early in his career suffer stellar disease. But her friends and family helped to cope with this and returned Sati from heaven to earth.

“Had seizures as a star — I swerved not childish for several years. Fortunately there were people of that time put in place. It was mostly my family. Sister Light I specifically said, “Hey! You, star! The crown!“ Been sober for some time. Thank you for that”, — said the artist in an interview with PeopleTalk.

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