Home / Business / Businessman Alexander Shenkman parted with the singer Sati Casanova

Businessman Alexander Shenkman parted with the singer Sati Casanova


Sati Casanova left the groom — to 55-year-old businessman Alexander Shenkman. The wedding, scheduled for 2017, is repealed. Recently, the popular singer became the heroine of several scandals: first, she dropped a careless remark about children with disabilities, and then there were the rumors about her pregnancy, and now the gap with the groom.


Fans assume that the wedding was canceled because of the history that took place in Nalchik on 11 September. She participated in a press conference on the work of his charitable Foundation, and rudely responded to the children with disabilities, calling them “curves and slanting”.


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Colleagues sati Casanova, then react in two ways: some have criticized the singer, others (for example, the singer Lolita) tried to justify Himself: “Sati just don’t have kids of his own and spoke without thinking”. Later, Sati has repeatedly apologized for his words: “Dear friends, at the conference, I had the temerity to speak correctly in relation to children with health problems. I offer my sincere apology to those whom I had hurt or offended”.


Say that the businessman and the groom sati Casanova, such a scandal was “not on hand”, and he decided to cancel the wedding.


Now this story is gaining momentum. Sati said that the marriage did not intend: “to Marry the person recorded in my fiances, I don’t. Alexander Shenkman is a good friend of mine, but we definitely not the kind of relationship where you can talk about marriage. No, no again. I was not asked if it is true, I did not give any comments”.

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