Home / Business / Ex-participant of “House-2” Stepan Menshikov sends his father into a nursing home

Ex-participant of “House-2” Stepan Menshikov sends his father into a nursing home


A few years ago, the father of ex-participant of TV project “Dom-2” Stepan Menshchikova suffered a stroke. The man remained completely paralyzed and unable to do anything on their own. Now take care of him mom celebrity Nadezhda Pavlovna, hoisted on their shoulders all the responsibilities for caring for a sick spouse.


Recently, Stepan made a statement in which he told about his intention to give his father in a nursing home. According to the former participant “Houses-2”, man became a “vegetable”, and Nadezhda Pavlovna every day practically forced to drag from place to place with her husband. Because of this surge and fatigue in women began to hurt your hands, and that was the reason for this decision Menschikova.



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  • Love the frame and hate in life: the famous kinobori that didn’t get along

“I decided to send father to the nursing home, because mom began to hurt your hands. It is, of course, well, the hero, she should put a monument during lifetime. At the hands of her grandfather died, she cared for grandma. But I don’t want mom was in a wheelchair… It doesn’t mean I don’t love my father I love my mother and maybe more than my father… Dad is a vegetable. He feels bad, alone can do nothing: nor go to the toilet or to wash or to eat”, — quotes the Stepan website Life.ru.


The news sparked a wave of violent criticism among the fans of celebrities who have condemned eks-the participant “Houses-2” for a callous attitude to my own father. In response to accusations of indifference Menshikov has posted on his page photo with his father, in the signature which indicated the number of a credit card of his mother Nadezhdy Pavlovny.


Stepan has called on all critics of his decision to send the paralyzed father in a nursing home, to donate money to the rehabilitation of men. In fact, according to celebrity, he is forced to place his father in a specialized institution for lack of funds to restore it.


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