Home / Business / Ekaterina Skulkina showed the result of grueling workouts

Ekaterina Skulkina showed the result of grueling workouts


Last year member humorous show Comedy Woman Ekaterina Skulkina has amazed fans with his incredible transformation: the actress lost 20 pounds!


According to star, in a new body it feels more relaxed and confident. However, to stop there is not going Catherine: artist wears them physical exercise to still lose a little weight.


Now the star spends holiday in Baku together with his family, but not even the rest Skulkin can’t afford to relax: daily runs have become a part of her life.

On his page in Facebook Catherine showed the results it has already achieved. In the picture the artist posing on the beach in short shorts and the top.


Caspian-good-sports-holiday morning everyone!!! And, God save me from the gastronomic temptations” — humor signed the frame of the star (Spelling and punctuation more. — Approx. ed.).

Екатерина Скулкина уверена, что только спорт и правильное питание могут помочь похудеть

Артистка заявила, что не делала операцию по уменьшению желудка и не принимала никакие чудо-таблетки

Екатерине удалось похудеть почти на 20 килограммов

Екатерина Скулкина

Екатерина Скулкина  Фото: facebook.com

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