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Eight major signs of unhealthy kidneys

Восемь основных признаков нездоровых почекSpecialists distinguish eight main signs of damaged kidneys.

It is worth mentioning that in our body have 2 kidneys, each approximately the size of a fist. They are located just below the rib cage. The kidneys can withstand a lot of stress – every day they filter 120-150 liters of blood, responsible for the stable circulation of the blood, and maintain normal functioning of the body.

Due to the kidneys in the body accumulated wastes and extra fluid in the body, they effectively support a consistent level of electrolytes, and produce hormones that help regulate blood pressure, produce red blood cells and help our bones to stay strong.

Therefore, the failure of this singles holiday is always fraught with serious consequences to overall well-being and health in General. There are eight signs that your kidneys are unhealthy, are worth paying timely attention and not ignore this condition:

– Changes in urination. When your body starts you to drive often during the day and rises at night to the toilet – this means that the kidneys is disrupted and it is the first alarm bell. And furthermore, if the urine is still frothy, or bubbly, has a pale hue.

Also should be alerted if you start to urinate less frequently, the volume of urine is reduced and it has a shade of dark beer, or contains an admixture of blood. Must be troubled by the fact that you have begun to experience the difficulty or pressure when urinating.

– Swelling will indicate that your kidneys are not working properly, not able to excrete the excess fluid from the body – all of which can lead to swelling in legs, ankles, face or hands.

Another symptom of an unhealthy kidneys fatigue. Remember that healthy kidneys produce a hormone called erythropoietin, which causes the body to produce red blood cells. They in turn carry oxygen.

When the amount of produced erythroprotein decreases, this decreases the number of red blood cells that carry oxygen and our muscles and brain quickly and easily get tired, which leads to anemia.

– Also about the failure of the kidney skin rashes show – filter no longer cope with the excretion of wastes from the blood, their accumulation can cause itching or a skin rash. It is worth knowing that when wastes accumulate in the blood, the skin becomes dry and irritated.

– Anything good does not speak and appeared metallic taste in the mouth. When the kidneys are junk, wastes accumulate in the blood, and it can ruin breath and even change the taste of food. With this symptom and loss of appetite, is to attend to the health of their kidneys.

– Kidney damage can lead to shortness of breath – this will help or excess fluid that accumulates in the lungs, or a shortage of red blood. All this leads to lack of oxygen and shortness of breath.

All the more reason to sound the alarm if you become permanent dizziness and problems with concentration. This is because, when a state of anemia, the brain does not receive necessary quantity of oxygen, which leads to memory loss, dizziness and problems with concentration.

– Back pain – a reason to go to the doctor and check the health of the kidneys. If the pain is concentrated in your upper back or on the same side where the damaged and the kidney – do not try to rely on “self-will” – it could be a kidney infection or kidney stones.

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