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Effective exercise pain in the lower back

Эффективное упражнение от боли в поясницеWhat to do if you get sick too.

Lower back pain is probably familiar to almost every modern man. When the ambulance this is an exercise from Pilates, says star coach Anita Lutsenko.

1. Feet on the width of the basin.
2. The knees slightly to prosohnut.
3. Pull the spine up over the top.
4. Start to curl with the chin to yourself and down and down!
5. Up in reverse order!
Slowly 5 times!

With pain in the spine in the first place you should turn to a neurologist in the local hospital, if the patient’s condition is stable, or to call an ambulance. Lower back pain can be a symptom of a gynecological, urological, surgical and gastroenterological problems.

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