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Drink, which it is not necessary to quench the thirst

Напитки, которыми не стоит утолять жаждуWhat drinks dangerously cool off in the summer heat.

Drinks with ice

In the summer we try to stock up on ice. But you should know that soft drinks are harmful to health. For example, scientists conducted an experiment and found out the food with ice water, it leaves your stomach after 20 minutes, and should be 4-5 hours. It turns out that there is a normal digestion, and this leads to obesity. Also cool food faster causes the feeling of hunger.

If you want to get rid of thirst and not to harm health, it is recommended to use room temperature water with lemon and mint.

Напитки, которыми не стоит утолять жажду

Packaged juices

Packaged juices – not the best option for quenching thirst, as they contain a lot of sugar in the composition. In this you can see for yourself by reading the label. In summer, it is recommended to use natural vegetable, fruit or berry juices that will quickly replenish moisture in the body, but not on an empty stomach.

Напитки, которыми не стоит утолять жажду


Kvass is one of the popular summer drinks. Drink it, and prepare it on the basis of the hash. But you should know that the brew will quench your thirst, as there is in the sugar. The latter quickly passes from the blood into the cells, carrying the water and causing a new bout of thirst. But you can prepare a homemade version of the brew with a small amount of sugar in the composition.

Напитки, которыми не стоит утолять жажду

Mineral water

Water with gas you can buy in any supermarket, but you need to know that the mineral waters of different compositions, and hence the indications for their use is very different. As a rule, the use of any water should be prescribed by a doctor. Should also know that water with gas should not be an everyday drink as it can cause gastritis.

Напитки, которыми не стоит утолять жажду


Surely you know that after a Cup-second coffee there is a thirst, as the drink is known for its diuretic (diuretic) effect, so will not help you quench your thirst.

Напитки, которыми не стоит утолять жажду

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