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DOOM will have another major update

DOOM ожидает очередное крупное обновлениеCorporation Bethesda made a statement that in the near future will add to DOOM. It will be the second for this popular shooter.

DOOM added new content, and two multiplayer modes (“Exodus” and “Sector”).

In Exodus, gamers will need to capture the enemy base with the flag. The highlight is that these bases are constantly moving. In the “Sector” to take over control points and then defend them from the enemy. Also fans of DOOM will provide the ability to adjust the distance and speed flights. The second update of the game introduces the new weapons, which should facilitate the players to execute the main task – the elimination of Mankubus.

In addition to updating DOOM with free access, will be launched also a paid application where a shooter added a new character.

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