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Doctors told the truth about brown and white rice

Медики рассказали всю правду о коричневом и белом рисеExperts told about the properties of white and brown rice.

Brown rice contains more phytates than white rice, and even if you consider that it is not harmful to health, it makes it worse than white rice.

When it comes to unhealthy and refined food, the first color that comes to mind is white. Often it’s “unhealthy eating” has a more healthy alternative, such as white sugar has a brown analogue, or white flour has a lot of other alternatives. Even though brown is usually regarded as more healthy than white rice is an exception to this rule.

White rice and brown rice.

White rice is considered bad for human consumption, while brown rice is better for you. We’ll discuss why both these views are wrong. But first of all let me clarify the fact why people think that white rice is bad for them.

White rice and sugar in the blood.

People often avoid white rice because I think he raises the level of blood sugar. This misconception is due to white carbohydrate foods such as white bread that have a high glycaemic index.

But in the case of rice, it is not.

International journal of food Sciences and nutrition published a study that involved 14 healthy participants who ate 11 different varieties of rice, including white and brown rice. In the blood of each participant was measured by the glucose levels, to determine the category of each type of rice: medium-high category of the index, or low category for glycemic index.

At the end of the study, it was concluded that brown basmati rice was classified as moderately high glycemic index, while white rice belonged to the category of low index. Thus, it is proven that the color of the rice determines its effect on blood sugar levels..

Brown rice and phytates.

Phytates prevent the absorption of essential minerals in the diet such as iron, zinc and calcium, and also known as “anti-nutrients”. Usually this does not cause any serious health problems, but it can lead to a deficiency of minerals.

Most people think brown rice is healthier than white because it is rich in nutrients, but this is not true due to the fact that it inhibits the body’s ability to absorb these nutrients.

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