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Doctors told how to prevent a stroke

Врачи подсказали, как уберечься от инсультаIt is especially important to adhere to these rules in old age.

Stroke is a common and extremely dangerous disease, during which there is bleeding in the brain. It can be so devastating that recovery to the injured will take many years. And, unfortunately, it is impossible to fully recover.

But just a few steps to help prevent stroke or at least reduce the consequences from the incident.

Monitor blood pressure

High pressure will inevitably lead to hypertension. And that just may be the cause of stroke and many cardiovascular diseases. Hypertension often does not manifest (from time to time), that’s why you need to regularly monitor blood pressure. In addition, reduce the consumption of coffee, salt and alcohol. Normalize your weight, pay attention to regular physical exercise, avoid stressful situations and you do not need pills to reduce the pressure.

Reduce cholesterol

High levels of cholesterol in the blood causes the development of heart disease. This problem appears, usually as the result of a diet with a lot of unhealthy fats. To reduce cholesterol, help correction power supply with a minimum of fat, moderate physical activity, and sometimes the administration of specific drugs.

Check the condition of the heart

Heart disease can disturb the person as from birth, or appear during life. For example, obesity, hypertension, high cholesterol or diabetes. The surest way to prevent heart disease is to see your doctor regularly.

Control the weight

Obesity – another risk factor for stroke. After all, people who are overweight high levels of blood fats that collect on the walls of blood vessels and narrow them. Over time, those very clogged, clot, which can blood get into the brain. The result is a stroke.

Give up Smoking

When Smoking in the body gets the tar and other dangerous compounds that damage blood vessels. This contributes to the deposition on them of plaque. All this leads to the development of various disorders in the blood vessels and heart. And after a while can happen heart attack or stroke.

Avoid diabetes

Diabetes – a straight road to heart disease and problems with blood vessels of the brain. Causes diabetes violation of blood sugar. To avoid this terrible disease, follow the diet, monitor your weight, sometimes you may need the administration of specific drugs.

Manage stress

Stress can cause a stroke: after nervous overstrain there is a sharp violation of blood circulation in the brain. And the result can be bleeding in the brain.

Try to follow these simple tips to minimize the risk of stroke.

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