Home / Medicine / Doctors told about the dangers of carrot juice

Doctors told about the dangers of carrot juice

Медики рассказали о вреде морковного сокаIt turned out that excessive consumption of carrot juice will bring the body.

Usually carrot juice is recommended as a Supplement to many diets.

But regularly drinking carrot juice, you must remember that its overdose can not only lead to food intoxication and other adverse effects. It is also worth noting that some diseases create conditions in the body, in which the components of carrot juice begin to be absorbed too heavily. Experts recommend diabetics to consume in a week no more than one glass of juice.

Because the carrot itself contains different types of sugar increase in blood which exerts a load on the pancreas. Also carrot juice is not recommended in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Order carrot juice is well absorbed by the body, nutritionists recommend to drink it with cream. But then you need to be careful, because in high doses, this combination can be triggered by headaches, malaise, nausea or vomiting.

To avoid severe consequences from drinking carrot juice, experts recommend not to exceed the weekly rate — a maximum of three servings.

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