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Doctors say that this tea is able to preserve vision

Медики утверждают, что этот чай способен сохранить зрениеIt turns out that daily consumption of green tea is the key to the health of your eyes.

Morning Cup of green tea will help to preserve the eyesight to a ripe old age, writes the Chronicle.Info with reference to Cosmopolitan.

About the healing properties of green tea are legendary. Latest scientific discovery is another significant “for” the benefit of our favorite flavored drink. It turns out that antioxidants, which a great deal is contained in green tea, can protect our eyes from diseases and age-related changes.

The so-called catechins, and vitamins C and E penetrate the membrane of the eye, thereby helping to resist such eye diseases as glaucoma, which if untreated inevitably leads to blindness. Until now, scientists were not aware of the ability of ocular tissues to absorb the miracle antioxidants.

They also found that the effect of catechins in green tea that are expressed in the reduction of oxidative stress (the process of damaging the cells due to oxidation), remains in the eye for 20 hours.

In conclusion, Chinese scholars remind us about other benefits of tea. So green tea, especially if it is drunk in the morning, a positive effect on all the systems and organs that operates smoothly and is harmless, stimulates the immune system, helps fight obesity, overcomes depression, prevent cardiovascular and renal disease.

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