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Doctors called unusual symptoms of a stroke

Медики назвали необычные симптомы инсультаAtypical signs of stroke in women.

Acute impairment of blood circulation in the vessels of the brain, otherwise the stroke leads to the death of its cells, and can only save speedy medical assistance.

The signs of a stroke in women may be quite atypical manifestations that you should know all.

Stroke — a condition dangerous to life, and you are greatly mistaken if you think stroke is only an age problem. Recently, according to doctors, the stroke has become much “younger” and come first people are at risk. However, we have elderly parents who’re at risk for stroke even more.


Common for men and women of any age – the outward manifestation of a stroke depends on what area of the brain affected. When violations in the left hemisphere, suffers from the right half of the body, while lesions of the right hemisphere – the left. The forecast depends on how many cells have suffered from lack of oxygen. Atypical signs of incipient or micro stroke in women may resemble migraine:

Headache on one side, often in the temple
Deterioration of peripheral vision in one eye
Intrusive “floaters” in one eye
Numbness and tingling of the fingers of one hand or leg
The confusion of speech is forgotten everyday words
When you look at him can wear away the details
Unexpected and not passing hiccup, in combination with other signs
Sudden disorientation in space or time
A wanton aggression up to psychosis
You may receive one or more characteristics, impaired vision, similar to migraine, sometimes without a headache

Such manifestations of stroke can disturb a few hours and then spontaneously take place. But that’s no reason to calm down – if the blood circulation has happened once, means that the risk of a full stroke are very high and the time to think about your lifestyle.


Unfortunately, to fully insure themselves against vascular disorders we are not able, however, to reduce the risk by changing the conditions of life accurately. Risk factors of ischemic stroke.

Age – after 35 years, the probability of violation of a stroke increases every year
A sedentary lifestyle
The tendency to high blood pressure (hypertension)
Food: foods that raise cholesterol levels in the blood dramatically increase the risk of stroke
Alcohol abuse
Smoking – the chemicals that regularly enter the blood with the cigarette smoke, the thinner the walls of blood vessels


If the brain damage is much suffering one side opposite to the affected hemisphere of the brain. To know the stroke test, which was called FAST (Face Arm Speech Test)

Raise both of your arms at a right angle to the body – in stroke with one hand involuntarily drops
Say aloud a simple phrase, for example: “I have a headache”. If you feel that the words are confused and lost, call “fast”
Look in the mirror and smile widely, showing the tooth – if a smile is clearly unbalanced – it’s a stroke.

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