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Doctors believe that the heels are useful for women’s health

Медики считают, что каблуки полезны для здоровья женщинSher recommends that you rarely wear ballet flats and flip flops

Some types of heels are more health benefits than flat shoes. This was stated by the British fysioterapeut jolene Sher.

According to him, to protect the back and legs, you should choose shoes with a wide heel or height of not more than five centimeters. Cher assures that this Shoe will support your posture, reduce strain on the calves and spine, says The Daily Mail.

At the same time, a scientist has warned women rarely wear flat shoes such as flip flops, sandals and ballet flats. He explains this by the fact that they can’t provide the proper support for the feet, and therefore leg muscles and tendons are constantly stretched.

As a result, this can lead to problems with the musculoskeletal system, which primarily affected the lower back and spine, warns cher.

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