Home / Medicine / Dill will save from insomnia and will help in the critical days

Dill will save from insomnia and will help in the critical days

Укроп спасет от бессонницы и поможет в критические дниOn our window sills and beds grow invaluable helpers and healers.

With the arrival of spring we can afford in abundance to use ground fennel, which is rich in carotene, vitamins C, E, PP, P, b group, folic acid as well as iron, calcium and phosphorus.

From birth moms drink dill water to normalize digestion in infants and to exclude the formation of bubbles when the child becomes restless and noisy. Fresh dill also has many beneficial qualities and properties. So, he:

– increases appetite;

– helps to normalize the metabolism;

– eliminates bloating and struggling with constipation;

– relieves from high blood pressure by dilating blood vessels;

– saves from insomnia and sleep disorders;

– regulates menstrual cycle and relieves pain.

In addition to its excellent culinary qualities (well, as you can imagine spring without this hodgepodge of fragrant seasoning?), dill can prevent the development of gastrointestinal diseases. Dill also significantly improves digestion and builds the intestinal motility.

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