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Diet for those who suffer from heartburn

Диета для тех, кто страдает от изжоги To resolve this issue permanently will not work, but you can substantially minimize the discomfort, the adhering to simple rules of power.

The unpleasant sensation of heartburn is characteristic of patients with gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, also a burning sensation in the esophagus may arise due to chronic cholecystitis, gallstone disease and hernia hiatal. However, not all persons suffering from the above diseases, can experience heartburn.

The mechanism of occurrence of these uncomfortable feelings is very simple. I suffer from heartburn muscular ring located between the stomach and gullet, permanently open a crack, while in normal it should open only at the time of passage of food. As a result of this “fault” the contents of the stomach may partially get up in the esophagus. Acid and bile irritates its mucosa, causing a burning sensation.

To resolve this problem for good, alas, will not work, but you can substantially minimize the discomfort, the adhering to very simple rules of power.

Patients should accustom themselves within 1-2 hours after eating the food is in a vertical position, so that stomach content doesn’t get instantly into the esophagus. Doctors also suggest completely exclude from the diet fried and fatty fish, it is not necessary to use it also in salted and canned.

Suffering from heartburn, you need to forget about the fresh bread, preferring dried up yesterday, as well as crackers, biscuits and cookies. No rye bread, muffins and puff pastry.

The selection of meat too, should be approached responsibly, suffering from heartburn is to eat exclusively low-fat varieties – beef, veal, chicken. Of them can be cooked steam cutlets, zrazy or meatballs.

Among vegetables the most unfavorable of the esophagus, prone to burning, are cucumbers, cabbage, radish, turnip, mushrooms, and all fermented and pickled vegetables. It is better to prefer boiled, go steamed courgette, carrots, cauliflower, potatoes.

Good effect on the stomach and the esophagus any dairy products except sharp cheeses and foods with high acidity, such as acidic yogurt.

Do not also use all sour fruits and berries.

Heartburn sufferers can’t drink soda, beer and coffee, it is better to prefer weak tea and raw beet and carrot juices.

Most of the sauces is absolutely contraindicated in the presence of heartburn will not cause harm to the digestive system only milk based sauces with sour cream and low fat butter.

Portions should not be large, in day it is recommended to divide the meals into 6 stages. The food temperature can be any, the main thing is to limit yourself to salt.

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